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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

6 Unexpected Questions That Reveal What Your Prospect Is Really Thinking + More


We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

1. 6 Unexpected Questions That Reveal What Your Prospect Is Really Thinking — HubSpot

Most prospects get the same questions from salespeople over and over again. Using any of these cliché, routine questions harms your credibility. Rather than seeing you as a trusted advisor, the buyer associates you with all the other reps they’ve ever spoken to. In addition, your prospect will go on autopilot and recite the same answer they’ve given on previous sales calls. You’ll lose the chance to get information your competition doesn’t have. To maintain authority, keep the buyer’s attention, and find out what they’re really thinking, ask questions they’re not expecting. 

2. Facebook’s Rolling Out a New Job Posting Option for Pages — Social Media Today

This week, Facebook announced: “Beginning today, businesses in the US will be able to post job openings, and their future employees will be able to easily find those posts on their Page or in the new jobs bookmark. This new experience will help businesses find qualified people where they're already spending their time—on Facebook and on mobile.” Learn more.

3. 5 Writing Techniques that Stir Your Audience to Action — Copyblogger

if you’re looking for something more than “Great post!” comments, then you’ve got to prompt action. And that means you’ve got to stir something in the audience before they’ll do something. Here's how.

4. Become a Better Marketer by Overcoming Confirmation Bias — Unbounce

being biased towards information that confirms what we already believe often leads to errors in judgment and costly mistakes in marketing (and life in general). If we aren’t careful, we can find ourselves marketing to an imaginary target audience made up of our own biases and assumptions – without even noticing it. The result is marketing that falls short and fails to have any real impact on the audience. This article shows you how to overcome confirmation bias to be a better marketer.

5. Two Simple Steps To Sell Anybody On Your Vision — Fast Company

When it comes to getting buy-in, it's useful to think of your audience as made up of two groups: "protectors" and "innovators." Here's how to win them both over.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog:

Topics: Inbound Marketing Sales Wrap-up