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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Social Media Explained—in Plain English

social mediaHave you ever found yourself trying to explain the difference between Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? How about trying to articulate the draw of a FourSquare, Instagram or newer site like Pinterest? Better yet, how about the reasons why you would want to be actively engaged with multiple social media sites?

By now, I am sure most of you have seen this photo posted originally by Douglas Wray. It has been all over the Internet, but I thought it would be good to share with you just in case you haven’t. This is an easy to follow explanation of the most popular social media sites today, using something we can all relate to… DONUTS!

So the next time you find yourself in a situation where you are trying to think of how to explain Foursquare, why you find Pinterest so addicting or why a business should be on Facebook, think of this image and get yourself a dozen.

Did your favorite Social Media site make the picture? If not, share with us how you would describe your site in one sentence or less using donuts.

Alina Diaz is a Senior Consultant at The Center for Sales Strategy.

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