The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

5 Highly Effective Email Time Management Hacks + More

Written by LeadG2 | December 2, 2016

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

15 Highly Effective Email Time Management Hacks — HubSpot

Most salespeople spend hours in their inbox every day: Writing emails, scheduling them, reading them, and organizing them. If you could save just 10% of this time, you’d have more time for actual selling. To shrink your email investment by 10% (or more), try these five effective email time management hacks.

2. How Loss Aversion and Conformity Threaten Organizational Change — Harvard Business Review

To achieve true transformational change, leaders must have more than a strategic plan. To effect actual change, they need to understand how biases—their own, and their team’s—can shape behaviors and decisions, and prevent them from achieving what they set out to achieve. This article offers key insights to overcome these biases.

3. How to Get 100,000 People to See Your Blog Post — Unbounce

This post goes through the entire “lifecycle” of a blog post, from idea generation to writing to publishing to promotion, to show you how to generate lots of traffic.

4. Tim Ferriss on Finding and Focusing On What Truly Matters — Copyblogger

Tim Ferris broke into popular consciousness nine years ago with the release of The 4-Hour Workweek. He’s gone on to create a series of books based on the “4-Hour” concept. That’s in addition to a wildly popular blog, podcast, and even a TV show. But in economic terms, all of that pales in comparison to Tim’s success as an angel investor—he’s scored early positions in Uber, Twitter, Evernote, Shopify, and Facebook. So, it was somewhat of a shock to hear that Tim is stepping away from new investments. And you’ll be more than a bit surprised to hear in this interview what he’s focusing on next, and more importantly…why. 

5. Get Control of Your Content Marketing Ideas So You Can Take Action — Content Marketing Institute

Ideas are easy, but execution is tough. Can you relate? Do you have lots of ideas but aren’t sure which ones to pursue? Or maybe you start working on something, but then a new idea comes along that piques your interest. You jump to that one and then struggle to bring either project to completion. This article will help with that.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: