The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

8 New Ways to Rethink Failure + More

Written by LeadG2 | June 2, 2017

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

18 New Ways to Rethink Failure — HubSpot

If you want to be great at sales, you need to get comfortable with failure. Selling requires you to constantly put yourself on the line: From requesting referrals and calling new prospects to pursuing a whale or entering a highly competitive situation. The more chances you take, the likelier you are to occasionally fall flat on your face. These eight perspectives will help you see your failure in a positive light.

2. Facebook's Adding New Click to Messenger Ads in Instagram — Social Media Today

Facebook is rolling out their combined Facebook/Instagram/Messenger inbox to Pages, utilizing the reach of their combined network to further expand on possible options and make as easy as possible for businesses to utilize all three to best effect. Such efforts could have significant impacts, with a combined active audience in the billions, spending 50 minutes per day, on average, across the three platforms every day. Here's what you need to know.

3. How to Engage Prospects on LinkedIn: A 5-Step Plan for Better Leads — Social Media Examiner

Wondering how to effectively engage your LinkedIn prospects? LinkedIn offers unique opportunities to move people from leads to customers. In this article, you’ll discover a five-step plan for turning cold LinkedIn prospects into warm leads.

4. How to Optimize Your Website Design with the User in Mind — Convince and Convert

Too often, the aesthetics of a website are given more thought than how a user will navigate it. However pretty a site may be, it is useless if users can’t find what they’re looking for. Understanding how your users are finding, interacting with, and purchasing on your site will allow you to design a more user-friendly experience, eliminate unnecessary or confusing calls to action, and ultimately increase conversions. Here's how to optimize your site for conversions.

5. What Are Your Customers Thinking? Search Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight — Content Marketing Institute

What would you give to read your customers’ minds? If you look just at the keywords people search for, you’re missing out on many of their actual needs. This article will show you how to become more empathetic, to understand the people behind the searches.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: