The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Deliver Feedback That Sticks + More

Written by LeadG2 | August 21, 2015


We've come to the end of the week, and we're sharing the top articles and resources we've read this week. Here are our "best" from around the web.

1. Deliver Feedback That Sticks — Harvard Business Review

The secret of effective feedback is making it feel like the message is coming from an ally, not an adversary. But this is easier said than done. This article offers practical steps to make sure you're delivering feedback in a way that shows you're on the same team.

2. Aims to Conquer Ad Avoidance With ‘MasterChef Junior’ Experiment — The Wall Street Journal

Starting this week, viewers of “MasterChef Junior” on will be able to watch these tiny chefs whip up their tasty creations without sitting through 10 minutes of traditional TV commercials. They’ll have the option to watch one 60-second interactive ad for California Milk Advisory Board before the episode begins, then go ad-free for the rest of the show. It's a new strategy to overcome viewers' tuning out ads. This article explains the details.

3. How to Develop a Great Buyer Persona — Insightly

A buyer persona, also known as a customer avatar, is a representation of your company’s ideal customer. It's a good way to get a concrete picture of who your target market is. We talk a lot about personas at LeadG2 because we believe they are key to creating strategic marketing. This post offers some excellent tips on how to create personas that will be accurate.

4. How to Balance Website User Experience and SEO — Social Media Today

Should your website content be written for your prospects and clients or for the search engines? You want to rank high in the search results but you also want your visitors to convert to customers once they get there. This post digs into how to balance both elements.

5. 7 Cognitive Biases That Are Holding You Back —

You may believe that your conscious self is in control of your life, but the scientific reality is very much the opposite. Conquer these biases to turn things around. This article shows you how.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: