The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Happy Thanksgiving from The Center for Sales Strategy

Written by Kathleen O. Celmins | November 27, 2014

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. It's my favorite holiday, hands down. The focus is on being together, and sharing a delicious meal, that took hours to prepare, and reflecting on the past year, with an emphasis on gratitude.

There's nothing to buy, no gifts to exchange, and no expectations except to be present and eat more than your fill.

It's a good pause, right before the beginning of the madness of the holiday season. A time to look around and see just how good you have it.

Here at The Center for Sales Strategy, we're thankful for you. If you're reading this, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. You've helped us grow, you've shared your comments, you've shared our posts, and some of you have even written for us. We're excited about where the future will take us, but today, we're simply thankful.

And we'd like to share something with you, no strings attached.

We'd like you to have a copy of Don't Give Up: a 16-day timeline of how to stay in contact with a prospect without resorting to "checking in" or otherwise annoying them.

Thanks, again. Enjoy the day!