We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.
Taking time off to recharge is important, but too many salespeople don't get away because they're worried they'll fall behind. Taking a vacation without missing quota is possible with good planning and collaboration. This article shows you how.
Have you ever spent weeks or even months crafting a perfect piece of content that generated almost no response from your audience? Rather than putting all your eggs into one big content basket, you can conduct small experiments to learn what will perform well. This article applies the principles of Agile development to content development.
B2B customers are consumers too, with an added twist — they need to produce and deliver results for their companies as fast as possible. No one can afford to wait. This post explains the importance of a user-friendly digital experience that delivers spot-on information at exactly the right moment.
LinkedIn has recently added a lot of functional, smaller updates. These updates actually provide some useful functionality, which could easily be overlooked. This article tells you what you need to know.
Are you looking for advanced ways to build Facebook audiences for retargeting? Do you know you can combine Google Tag Manager with Facebook Pixel Events? This article explores how to use both of these tools to directly reach target audiences.