The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

How Marketing Can Increase Customer Lifetime Value + More

Written by LeadG2 | July 24, 2015

We've found several excellent thoughts and ideas online this week, and now it's time to share them with you! Here are our "best" from around the web.

1. How Marketing Can Increase Customer Lifetime Value — SBI

It's much easier to sell to a client than to sell to a prospect. Customer loyalty makes marketing and sales easier, lowers costs, and increases customer lifetime value (CLV). So how can you make it happen? This post from Sales Benchmark Index digs into how to create loyal customers who continue to buy from you again and again. 

2. How Traditional Salespeople Can Stay Relevant in the Age of Automation — Fast Company

New technologies have the ability to completely transform business and put a lot of people out of work. From self-driving cars, file-sharing services, and even technology that can help heal the body, we’re witnessing an explosion of technology that some predict will reduce demand for jobs within the next 20 years. So, how do salespeople of today justify their value and avoid getting replaced by a website, automated chat feature, or banner ad? Here are a few ideas from CEO of Hearsay Social, a provider of technology for the financial services industry.

3. How to Optimize Your Site for Every Stage of the Buying Cycle — Kissmetrics

The buying cycle is the process that every customer goes through when he or she purchases an item. Prospects will be in all stages of the buying process when they visit your website. Some will be in the awareness stage, just learning about their need for your product or service. Some will be considering their options to solve their needs. And some will be ready to buy and researching providers. To generate the most leads and make the most sales, you need to optimize your site to reach each of these groups. Here's how.

4. How To Score Your Landing Page — Digital Marketer

We all know how important landing pages are. They're where website visitors either become leads or remain anonymous. This post from DigitalMarketer offers a checklist of best practices and gives you a simple way to score your own landing pages to see how they measure up.

5. Protect Your Eyes From the Harm of Digital Devices With These 4 Tips — Entrepreneur

I've been having problems with my eyes getting dry and tired over the last several months, as I've been at my computer for longer periods of time. (I've tried out four different types of contact lenses in the last month, and I'm sure I'm driving my optomitrist crazy. The good news is I think I've found a winner in the Acuvue Ultras.) These days, there are few careers that don't require lots of time spent at computers, and when we're not at our computers we're staring at our smartphones or tablets. I was excited to read this post yesterday, which offers ways to protect your eyes and your health without quitting your digital devices.

 This Week on the Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: