They say time flies when you are having fun! I must be having fun as a B2B sales consultant because the past ten years have flown by quickly. I tell people they should love what they do, if not they should find another job. I truly love what I do, perhaps that’s why the past decade has come and gone so quickly.
I’m not here to say every day over the past ten years has been a bed of roses. I’ve had some peaks and valleys. The cool thing about my job is helping customers improve sales performance—plus I’m constantly learning. Here’s a list of ten things I’ve learned over the past decade… a list of things that help me love my job:
1. Avoid traveling on Sunday, Monday, Friday and weeks containing a holiday if possible.
Tuesday and Thursday are great days to travel as fares are usually cheaper on these days.
2. Watch what you eat.
I cut back on gluten, caffeine, processed food that contain high fructose corn syrup over a year ago and have never felt better. Plus, I drink at least two liters of water each day. Having more energy helps me deliver better service to my customers.
3. Exercise for at least 45 minutes on each road trip.
This helps my energy level as well as improves my ability to sleep in hotels.
4. Balance work and family.
Be sure to schedule family events first on the calendar before business trips. Nothing is worse than sitting in a hotel room on your birthday or a family members birthday.
5. Outlook is your friend.
Schedule everything (not just market trips and calls) and code all items. For example: I code all scheduled phone calls in yellow. I know I’m worthless to customers after five scheduled sixty-minute calls in a day. If I need to schedule a phone call and I open my calendar and see plenty of yellow, I move to another day.
6. When you find a good hotel in a town stick with it.
I don’t stay at the Ritz and I don’t stay at Ed’s Beds! I usually stay at hotels in the middle of the pack that are included in the loyalty program I use. Additionally, I avoid staying in hotels that have doors facing the outdoors and air conditioning units in the wall or free standing (these tend to be very noisy and impede a restful night of sleep).
7. Pick an airline and use it on a regular basis unless the fee for a flight is beyond reason.
Simply put, upgrades and other travel perks help balance the burden of being on the road 30-40 weeks a year.
8. Use credit cards associated to loyalty clubs to earn free trips as well as free nights in a hotel.
My company allows me to use these as I see fit—a nice family vacation using points and miles once a year offsets many missed dinners with my family!
9. When selecting clients, choose carefully.
Aim for quality clients that have realistic expectations and appreciate your expertise.
10. Be a thought leader and people will follow you!
I started blogging a few years ago—it is a great way to keep in touch with my current customers as well attract new customers (when used as part of inbound marketing).
This list is not intended to be hardcore consulting advice. However, the ten things I learned in ten years as a B2B sales consultant might come in handy to some of you new or soon-to-be consultants.
As a veteran sales consultant or someone that delivers B2B sales training, what items would you add to this list to help someone that is just entering this business?
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