The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Why Disastrous Sales and Marketing Misalignment Persists (& How to Fix It) + More

Written by LeadG2 | February 24, 2017

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

1Why Disastrous Sales and Marketing Misalignment Persists (& How to Fix It) — HubSpot

Sales and marketing teams both directly touch the customer, but for some reason, the average company just can’t find a common ground after that. However, consider that more than 50% of the success of a social selling ecosystem within your company is going to start and end with Marketing! This article offers practical advice on how to get Sales and Marketing working together.

2. 3 Ways to Get More Done Right Now — Harvard Business Review

When you're on a tight deadline and you HAVE to get something done, you need some practical tips to make it happen. This article offers just that.

3. Conversion for Low-Traffic Websites — Conversion Rate Experts

Low-traffic websites have two problems:

  1. How can you understand your visitors? For example, how can find out what’s stopping them from taking action?
  2. How can you measure what works? High-traffic websites rely on A/B-tests to measure whether their changes make a statistically significant difference.

This article tackles both those questions.

4. Strategic SEO Decisions to Make Before Website Design and Build — Moz

Once you've decided to take on a website redesign, your mind probably goes to "look and feel" — but there are things you should consider first, in order to ensure a strong foundation for SEO success. This post highlights SEO areas that need to be addressed and decided on before the website brief is sent to designers and developers.

5. How to Build Trust and Enhance Your Influence with Content Marketing — Copyblogger

When it comes down to choosing between two or more brands, trust becomes critical. This is one of the benefits that content marketers have over competitors who don’t create and freely share valuable information—and it can be substantial if done correctly. This post shows you how.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: