The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

How to Succeed in Sales as an Introvert + More

Written by LeadG2 | October 13, 2017

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

 — Salesforce

The stereotype of a sales rep is an effervescent extrovert who charms people into buying anything at any price. But if you are an introvert, take heart. You can do it, and do it just as well as your extroverted competitors. This article, written by a successful introverted salesperson, shares a few strategies and techniques to help.

2. 7 B2B Brands Using Instagram the Way You’re Supposed To — Convince and Convert

Over half of millennials are active users on Instagram. You might be thinking, “Why do I want to target millennials?” 40 percent of the workforce in most average companies is made up of millennials. Instagram isn't just for B2C companies — here are seven B2B companies using Instagram to grow their business.

3. Getting SEO Value from rel="nofollow" Links — Moz

Plenty of websites that make it easy for you to contribute don't make it easy to earn a followed link from those contributions. While rel="nofollow" links reign in the land of social media profiles, comments, and publishers, there are a few ways around it. This video shares five tactics to help you earn equity-passing followed links using traditionally nofollow-only platforms.

4. Attention Marketers: People Don't Trust You — Social Media Today

Lack of trust has been built up over the years, ever since advertisers and marketing departments began dutifully coming up with fictional stories about their products and creating characters to give their products the edge. Here's a look at the state of ethics in marketing today, and what you can do about it.

5. 7 Surprising Research-Backed Productivity Tips That Will Change the Way You Work — HubSpot

When trying to maximize our productivity, it’s easy to get caught up finding the next great tip or “lifehack.” But we often overlook the hidden psychology of productivity. Here are 7 science-based tips to integrate into your life for greater productivity.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: