The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

The 6 Secrets to Getting People to Say Yes + More

Written by LeadG2 | September 16, 2016

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

1. 6 Secrets to Getting People to Say Yes — Inc.

Robert Cialdini, the author of the classic Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, has released a new book with new insights into the art of winning people over. He talks about his insights in this video interview.

2. How to Localize Your Marketing Campaigns to Increase Conversions — Kissmetrics

Marketing with location at the forefront offers some remarkable benefits. According to Nieman Journalism Lab, “geo-targeted [social media] posts were 6 times more successful than posts shared globally.” This post shows how to use localizations to boost sales.

3. How to Say No When It Really Counts — strategy+business

As a sales manager or a salesperson, there are times you have to say "no." But that's much easier said than done. This article offers some practical tips for how to say "no" in tough situations.

4. Why User Experience Always Has to Come First — HBR

When Google announced it would be moving to penalize mobile sites with difficult-to-close popups, attention to the user experience once again came to the forefront of conversation. It's easy to say user experience is important, but harder to walk the walk when it means limiting ads. This article shows why you've got put UX first, or nothing else will matter.

5. 5 Quirks of Human Nature All Salespeople Must Understand — HubSpot

Whether they're salespeople or customers, all humans follow similar thinking patterns that affect their decision-making. Understanding basic psychology can help you read prospects’ behavior, refine your approach based on their signals, and get closer to landing that elusive “yes.” Here is a list of five theories and biases you must know to improve your sales performance.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: