The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

9 Simple Sales Enablement Tips to Implement Now + More

Written by LeadG2 | February 12, 2016

Hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and it's time for us to share what we've been reading online this week. Here are our "best" from around the web.

1. 9 Simple Sales Enablement Tips to Implement Now — SBI

What is sales enablement really? It’s about getting the right content into the hands of the right reps. It’s about getting it to them at the right time, through the right channel. It's empowering your salespeople to do their jobs better and get better results. This article offers nine tips you can iimplement today.

2. Adaptive Content: The Way to Your Customer’s Heart— Content Marketing Institute

Adaptive content is content that can, at each instance of use, change (adapt)—not just in appearance but in substance, based on a number of factors. It's more than responsive design. Adaptive content changes to be specifically relevant to each customer. Here's how it works.

3. 21 Ways to Win the Hearts of Your Employees — Inc.

Business owners who genuinely lead with their hearts understand that people want to be valued, respected, listened to, and involved. Leaders who consistently show their employees that they are appreciated possess the wisdom and capacity to run thriving, profitable businesses. This article explores insights from the 2015 Harvard Business Review of the Best Performing CEOs in the World and Global Empathy Index.

4. Using the Voice of the Customer to Find Your Website's Voice — Salesforce

Oftentimes we think that if content works for us, it will work for our customers. But your customers don't know your lingo, and they experience needs in different ways. In order to speak the language of your prospects, you need to use their voice. This article shows you how.

5. A 34-Point Checklist for Creating a Case Study that Converts — Unbounce

Case studies of customer success let you touch pain points and counter objections in story form, in a way that doesn’t feel too salesy. By reading how their peers overcame challenges and reached the place they’d like to reach themselves, prospects develop an emotional connection with your satisfied customer and, through them, with your company. This checklist will help you whip your case studies iinto peak-performance shape.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: