The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Get Yourself Out of a Jam

Written by Jim Hopes | June 22, 2012

While there is no tactic as valuable as a good strategy, there are times when—despite your artful and strategic approach to securing an appointment—a handy little tactic like NERO can keep the process moving forward.

So what is NERO?

  1. Name the resistance
  2. Empathize
  3. Redirect
  4. Overcome

For example, let’s say you have used a compelling VBR, but the prospect is resisting granting you a face-to-face appointment. NERO might sound like this:

NAME THE RESISTANCE“Mary, it sounds to me like you are afraid that giving me 45 minutes for this meeting will be a waste of your valuable time.”

EMPATHIZE - “I understand that completely.  My clients all struggle with making good choices with their time—honestly, I do too!”

REDIRECT“You should know every one of my clients had that same concern before they got to know me and how I do business. Now, that they have seen the ideas and solutions we have been able to bring, we have open access and great partnerships. You may have seen some of the quotes from them I sent along.”

OVERCOME“So, let’s go ahead and get a meeting on the books for next week. What day is best for you?”

This is a convenient tactic, a crutch if you will, to get you out of jam. But don’t overuse it. All the great generals will point out the superiority of strategy vs. tactics and we agree. Still, it’s nice to have a pocketknife when you need it.

Jim Hopes is Chief Executive Officer at The Center for Sales Strategy.