The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Sales Strategy: Ask for Large Orders. Big Needs Get Big Budgets.

Written by The Center for Sales Strategy | March 1, 2013

Here's a provocative thought; you may be getting objections just as often by asking for too little as you do by asking for too much!

Most prospects don't have the time or patience to deal with minor problems and minor opportunities… the kinds that carry low-dollar solutions. If you feel like you are getting no respect from your prospects, it might be that the dollar amount of your proposals indicates you aren’t worth serious time and attention.

When you ask for a small amount, you render yourself less important and less valuable.


Big needs get big budgets. If you've identified a pressing need, propose a solution big enough to get attention and big enough to deliver results.  If your sales strategy hasn't uncovered a pressing need yet, continue your needs analysis process until you find one. That's the first step in making yourself important and relevant to the client. 


Sales managers, here's a meeting idea for you. 

Assemble your salespeople into small groups and have each person spend time planning for a needs analysis with an important client or big prospect in order to uncover bigger needs, so they can propose bigger solutions. 


 Make your needs analysis calls stronger!

Download the Five Phases of the Needs Analysis Call now!