The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Four Easy Ways To Make A Memorable First Impression + More

Written by LeadG2 | December 23, 2016

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

1Four Easy Ways To Make A Memorable First Impression— FastCompany

That firm handshake is great, but it's what you say next—and how you say it—that matters more. Here are four ways to make a great impression.

2. How to Swipe Great Titles … and Use Them On YOUR BlogProblogger

How often do you sit down to write a post, only to draw a complete blank? Sometimes what you’re struggling most with us coming up with a title. One solution is to take a great title of of a popular post … and spin it into your own.

3. 4 Ways Salespeople Can Make December Their Best Month — HubSpot

Maintaining focus during the holiday season can be tough. Between travel, visitors, and time out of the office, your normal schedule and routines are off — and there’s a good chance your prospects’ are too. But that disruption to routines can give you an advantage when it comes to selling. Here's how.

4. The 10 Types of Content That Work Best for SEO — Moz

After analyzing hundreds of SERPs over the past few weeks, Rand Fishkin has identified the 10 distinct content types that work best for SEO and classified which formats are suited for certain queries. In this video, he explains those content types and how to use them to satisfy searcher intent, match them to the right projects, and enhance your overall strategy.

5. How to Think About Building Your Legacy — Harvard Business Review

As a leader, leaving a great legacy is arguably the most powerful thing you can do in your career and life because it enables you to have influence well into the future. How can you keep your legacy in mind as you go about your everyday decisions? This article offers insight.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: