It’s March, and basketball madness is upon us. Three of the key elements in basketball are the goal you are shooting at, the equipment you use (basketball, shoes, etc.) and the plays you run. Sales is no different. You need goals, equipment, and plays.
I was performing a sales diagnostic with a client recently and thought of this comparison as I was evaluating their sales performance. That’s when the connection between March Madness and sales hit me.
In sales, you need to study two types of goals: Performance Metrics and Leading Indicators.
There are many things you might consider sales equipment. A few I will focus on here are structure, process, talent, and compensation.
You need a sales playbook so you know which plays to run and how to run them effectively. All of this will be more productive with proper sales enablement tools, but sales enablement software without a playbook is like a football team with a fabulous practice facility and great players, but no game plan or playbook from which to design the game plan.
Your playbook will include things like buyer persona, sales process, account list management, lead definitions, leading indicators, elevator pitch, common objections, response talk track, and more.
So how can March Madness help you improve sales performance? Download our Thirty Provocative Questions to challenge your thinking in all areas of your sales operation. This might provide the spark to improve performance. If you want us to jump on a quick call and help you consider the most important action steps, we can do that as well.