The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Relationships Build Revenue

Written by Emily Estey | September 22, 2015

Recently I had the pleasure of facilitating a group of managers through a four month long program called Coaching New Business. We asked each manager to select two members from their team to work side by side through the How Selling process with a select group of Target Accounts.

The results were great and when we did our final recap call that was certainly something to shout about. But something surprised me about the recap meeting. One of the managers mentioned the reason they believed this was successful was because of how close they became to the account executives. They ended up really focusing on the sales process, but even more so on the individual. This program gave them the time and opportunity to dive deeper with each Target Account, but also with each person. 

I don’t know why this surprised me as much as it did. I asked the manager if he thought becoming closer to the account manager was the key to the Target Account revenue created and he said “absolutely.”

The takeaway here, spend time with your team. Not via email, and not just during revenue conversations or IFM’s. Lend them your knowledge and sit down to have conversations about their goals, their dreams. 

I’ve seen firsthand that it’s time well spent.