The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Removing Roadblocks to Sales Performance

Written by John Henley | February 21, 2018

I was driving around downtown Tampa recently during a convention and found many roads blocked off as I was trying to get to my destination. I know downtown Tampa pretty well, and knew exactly where I wanted to get, which made it even more frustrating that I couldn't get to where I wanted to go. I was tempted to get out of my car and remove the roadblocks. I didn't, and ended up going in circles, not making the best use of my time.  

I see this happen all the time with sales organizations. There are roadblocks to performance that don't get moved out of the way. Sometimes it's clear to sales leadership what the roadblocks are and how to navigate those, and other times it's not. In either case, sales will improve if you can find a way around the roadblocks, without going around in circles.

When we encounter this happening, we follow the following three steps:

Step 1:  Discovering Roadblocks

Spend time observing, read proposals, check sellers calendars, ask the team what slows them down, ask others outside the sales team what they see.

Step 2:  Detailing Observations

Summarize your observations and share them with other leaders to get their input and perspective on what you observed.  Add to your observations as you do this.

Step 3:  Developing Recommendations

Gather the sales leadership team and brainstorm actions you could take. Make a long list, then decide which of those you are most excited about, commit to a few and get started.
If sales is the lifeblood of your organization and you want to know more about how to remove roadblocks to improve sales performance, read about how a sales diagnostic could help your organization.