After spending over a decade helping our clients build strong recruitment and selection processes, I had to know… what was she doing that was working so well?! I finally asked her for her secret and she shared her entire process with me. She also gave me the green light to share it with you.
View the slideshow here, or skip below for the whole post:
Use LinkedIn.
Frequently seek referrals.
Always be looking.
Screen for talent using the Sales Talent Screener.
Check them out online.
Have an initial conversation to discuss the position (expectations, compensation, etc).
Remember the best and most talented candidates probably are not looking for a new position.
Arrange to meet, gauge their interest, and discuss the interview process if appropriate.
Include other managers or HR if appropriate.
Ask “fit” questions.
Actively listen. Resist the temptation to do all the talking and sell the opportunity.
Contract for next steps if there will be any.
Provide the candidate with a clear picture of what’s ahead and the purpose of the interview.
Encourage open, honest answers – and advise them not to try and “beat the test.”
Learn about the candidate’s innate strengths and weakness and discuss likely behaviors.
Capture coaching strategies that will be most important for success.
Discuss the candidate’s “fit” with the company, position, accounts, and our style.
If both the talent and the fit are right, make an offer or add them to the Talent Bank and nurture their interest until the time is right.
Consistency is key in recruitment and selection. Adopt this ideal process as your own or find one that works for you. Make sure you are always looking – even when you don’t have an open spot – and have your antennae tuned for talent first!