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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Beth Sunshine

Beth Sunshine

Recent Posts by Beth Sunshine:

The Benefits of Using Talent Assessments When Hiring

The Benefits of Using Talent Assessments When Hiring

You want to hire great people, but it’s harder than it sounds. I get it! How are you supposed to know whether your candidate is right for the job?”

Let’s start with how you are screening your candidates. What are you looking at to determine whether they may be right for the job? Even if you don’t have a formal screener, you are currently using something to screen candidates.

Most likely you gather intel from a few different sources, but I bet you lean pretty heavily on their resume. Great start, but be careful. Resumes are notoriously biased, only showing the candidate’s assets.

It won’t help you understand their limitations or weaknesses at all. Also, today’s resumes are built using AI, graphic templates, and professional services, all of which can make even a bad candidate look like a superstar.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent assessment

10 Best Practices for Conducting a Great Candidate Interview

10 Best Practices For Conducting a Great Candidate Interview

Finding the right person for a job is challenging, especially with other responsibilities on your plate. Rushing through the process and taking shortcuts can lead to costly mistakes. A poor hiring decision can be expensive and difficult to reverse. Worse, once you part ways with a mismatched hire, you’re back to square one, facing the same urgency as before.

Consider this: if you don’t have the time to do it right now, when will you find the time to do it all over again? To avoid wasted time and frustration, getting it right the first time is crucial.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent selection

Unlocking Success in Sales Succession Planning

Unlocking Success in Sales Succession Planning

Succession planning isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the cornerstone of survival. Identifying and developing future sales leaders ensures an organization's long-term health.

Remember, effective succession planning is not just about filling positions but also about fostering a culture of growth and preparedness that aligns with the company’s long-term strategy and goals. It’s a strategic process that ensures leadership continuity, preserves organizational knowledge, and contributes to overall business resilience.

Unfortunately, succession planning is also often set aside or even forgotten. Makes sense. It’s easy to get caught up in the here and now and fail to put plans in place for the future when your leaders leave. But it’s a big mistake!

Topics: sales talent assessment sales coaching

Improving Sales Performance: Are You THAT Kind of Coach?

Are you THAT kind of coach

Professional athletes have coaches.

Oscar-winning actors have coaches.

Pop icons have coaches.

Wait!? Even people who have been in the business for a long time? Why do they need coaches?

That’s easy! Top performers, whether they are professional athletes, Oscar-winning actors, pop icons, or sales professionals, are not content with just being good. They strive to maintain their edge, stay on top, and climb even higher.  

Their coaches, with their unique vantage point, can see what they can’t see themselves, making their perspective incredibly valuable. This investment in their talent is what sets them apart and propels them forward.

The same can be said for your direct reports.

Coaching leads to excellence.

Topics: sales coaching

10 Ways to Increase B2B Sales Performance with Successful Feedback

10 Ways to Increase B2B Sales Performance with Successful Feedback

The feedback a sales manager provides can either propel a salesperson to new heights or stunt their growth.

Yet, too often, managers fail to give the right feedback at the right times, missing critical opportunities to develop their team's talents.

Topics: developing strengths sales talent

Gamification in Hiring: 5 Creative Ways to Make Recruitment Fun and Engaging

Gamification in Hiring

Attracting the brightest minds and best talent has become a fierce competition for organizations across all industries. However, conventional recruitment methods often fail to captivate potential candidates, leaving them disengaged and unmotivated. It's time to shake things up and inject some excitement into the hiring process.

Enter gamification—the art of blending game-like elements into the recruitment experience. By incorporating interactive challenges, immersive simulations, and creative quests, organizations can pique the interest of top talent while making the journey of finding the perfect fit an exhilarating adventure.

Gamification transforms the once-dull task of recruitment into an engaging and enjoyable experience that resonates with today's candidates.

Topics: hiring salespeople recruitment

6 Steps to Improve Your Employer Brand and Boost Recruitment

6 Steps to Improve Your Employer Brand and Boost Recruitment

In the travel industry, you want to be a “destination of choice,” meaning you are highly preferred or sought after by travelers for your attractions, amenities, and experiences. As an employer, you want the exact same thing.

But what does that mean for you? How can you be a destination of choice?

Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. While one person might seek the rich history and cultural landmarks of London rather than the commercialization and street vendors of New York’s Times Square, another might be looking for a bustling, exciting experience and jump on a trip to New York. London and New York have very different brands.

Topics: branding recruitment

Remote Recruitment: Navigating the New Normal

Remote Recruitment

In the “old days” (5 years ago), hiring a new employee meant meeting them in person, shaking their hand, and conducting a live interview.

Today, that’s not always possible.

For many, remote and hybrid models are becoming the norm, which means leaders must adapt their recruitment strategies to meet the unique challenges and opportunities these environments present.

Here’s how leaders can fine-tune their approach to attract and assess top talent effectively.

Topics: onboarding recruitment Remote Team

Help! My Top Performer Just Quit!

Help! My Top Performer Just Quit!

Have you ever felt like being a manager is a lot like juggling? And right when you think you’ve got all the balls in the air… whoops!

When it’s the sudden departure of a top performer, it can make you literally drop everything!  

So, what can you do?

Topics: recruitment talent bank

Reimaging Leadership in a Hybrid World

Reimaging Leadership in a Hybrid World

How we work and live has changed in unprecedented ways over the last few years. We have experienced both the benefits and the challenges of remote, hybrid, and return-to-office work models, and most have strong opinions and preferences on the subject.

Topics: hybrid work