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To Confirm or Not to Confirm? That is the question.

Written by Jim Hopes | June 5, 2019

We all know how difficult it can be to set an appointment with a prospect these days, and the last thing we would want to do is let that appointment slip away after making multiple contacts in order to secure it.

The question always seems to come up about whether a salesperson should confirm that appointment before making the call or not. I have sales professionals who argue on both sides of the question.

So, let’s compare the reasons for confirming or not confirming.

Reasons Not to Confirm:

  1. The prospect might take the opportunity to cancel the appointment.
  2. The majority of your prospects are actually there when you show up.

  3. Your experience shows that if you can just get in front of people they love you, so why take a chance?

Reasons to Confirm:

  1. You can reiterate the Valid Business Reason you used to secure the meeting, so the prospect remembers why they agreed to the appointment in the first place. A lot has happened in their business life since they said “yes” to seeing you.

  2. The meeting will be more focused because you will have had recent interaction about the purpose, and they will know how the meeting process will roll out.

  3. The prospect will have an opportunity to add additional thoughts about what they want from the meeting.

  4. You might learn about changes or new information has emerged since you initially set the appointment, which could be very helpful.

  5. There will be few surprises for you and your prospect as you can contract one more time about length of the meeting, what you hope to get accomplished, input you’d like from them, what might happen next, etc.

  6. Your prospect will be more engaged as they have interacted with you between when you set the appointment and when you show up.

  7. The prospect is there 100% of the time when you show up.
I’ll let you decide whether to confirm or not to confirm. But, assuming you do choose to confirm your appointments, remember there are many ways to do that:

  • Live call (or voicemail)
  • Email
  • Sending an Outlook or Google Calendar invite
  • Text
  • LinkedIn

Again, restating your VBR, contracting one more time about day, time, length, purpose, and how the meeting will go, is a great courtesy to a busy buying influence and helps you move the process forward. Depending on the length of time between when you set the appointment and when they will see you, you might want to send along an article or some information about the business trends you will be discussing and how addressing those could help grow their business.

All that was mentioned helps to  keep you top of mind during that interim period and builds anticipation for your meeting instead of dread.

One other thought here: If a prospect is looking for an "out" to an appointment they agreed to, how productive will that meeting be -- if they are there at all?

Just sayin'.