The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Wash, Fold, and Digital Marketing

Written by Trey Morris | November 21, 2017

Everyone is selling digital marketing today.

Everyone says they are an expert in digital advertising. 

From pure digital agencies to traditional media, from digital publishers to full-service advertising agencies, everyone is pushing digital marketing.  I'm honestly shocked that when I drop off my laundry that my dry cleaner doesn't offer me an awesome new digital marketing package.

Ok.  So, not everyone is selling digital, but it does feel that way.

As a sales manager, you and your staff are facing competition from every angle. You've always had to deal with your traditional competitors, but in the digital realm, you, now, have to compete with those plus every digital media & firm in your market and around the country. 

Is your staff ready?

Here are 3 tips that can help prepare your sales team for the reality of the digital marketing landscape:

1. Digital is NOT an add-on.

If you are selling digital like it was a side item at McDonald's, you are missing the point. You can't present your primary advertising medium and then just toss in some digital ads. Marketers are looking for integrated solutions for their businesses. One medium must leverage the others to deliver a marketing program that drives awareness, traffic, and ultimately new sales.

2. Expertise is required.

If everyone is claiming to be a digital expert, it's really hard to actually stand out as one. You'll actually have to deliver knowledgeable recommendations that meet the needs of your prospects. Do not let your sales staff on the streets unless they actually know what they are talking about. Nothing can torpedo a digital presentation like an uninformed salesperson who doesn't know the difference between PPC and EPL (That's the English Premier League for soccer).

3. Relationships matter.

All things being equal, clients prefer to purchase from someone that they trust and have a relationship. In the digital marketing landscape, most, if not all of your competition is claiming to be digital experts that are selling the same products. Your relationships with your prospects and customers can be the deciding factor on which partner they choose to do business with in digital. 

The formula for digital marketing sales success is relatively simple. 

Knowledge + Experience + Relationships = Success! 

Does your sales team have the right formula?