The top three social channels being used most often by B2B marketers won’t surprise you, the ones they find most effective may. According to research from the Content Marketing Institute, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are still the top choices. YouTube and Google+ are also substantial for usage. Which channels on the top 10 list below are you using?
What’s more interesting is which channels B2B Marketers found “most effective” in 2015. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, but we should take note where usage and effectiveness diverge.
LinkedIn, Twitter, & YouTube score well on both use and effectiveness. It’s easier to be effective when other B2B professionals are participating there too. But while Facebook is #3 for B2B usage, and even #1 for effectiveness with B2C marketers trying to reach consumers, Facebook did not even make the top 5 in effectiveness with B2B marketers. Also worth noting is that Vimeo and SlideShare take a big jump when you consider their effectiveness.
What are the takeaways?
You can’t be everywhere, but it’s important to evaluate your own strategy to be in the most effective places. Consider which channels you use, and which you find effective.