The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

14 Places to Research a Prospect Before a Sales Call + More

Written by LeadG2 | November 25, 2016

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

1. 14 Places to Research a Prospect Before a Sales Call HubSpot

The more you can personalize your conversation to a prospect and their business, the greater the chance that you’ll capture their interest—and hopefully their business. To do that, you'll need to research the prospect. Here are 14 places that will help you.

2. Prove It! 6 Persuasive Techniques for Making the Sale — Copyblogger

If you expect your landing pages and website pages to sell (whether you're trying to sell people on making a purchase or opting into a content offer), you've got to give them proof that it will be worth their time and/or money. This post shows how to use six techniques to accomplish that goal.

3. Using Paid Media to Drive Loyalty & Advocacy — Moz

If you're not using your paid media in more creative ways than simply targeting customers at the buying stage, you've got a world of opportunity awaiting you. This Moz video presents 10 strategies for using your paid media to get your customers talking about you more and recommending you often.

4. Market to Everyone, Reach No One — Social Media Today

Buyers today are not just smarter to the ways of marketing, but they're suffering from marketing fatigue. How can companies overcome that challenge? The answer is to personalize and customize marketing so that you communicate specifically and effectively to each person. This article offers some tips.

5. What Kind of Music Is Best For Energizing Your Brain? Neuroscience Has Some Answers — Inc.

Everyone struggles to be productive at times. Music can be a great way to keep you alert and productive, but according to science, certain tracks might do a better job of revving you up any time you hit a slump. This article digs into the research.

 This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: