Recently, I spoke to a sales management group on four things that they can do to improve sales performance, and this is what I shared with them.
Always be recruiting. 24/7. 365. The battle for top sales talent these days has never been harder. You always have to be recruiting. Not just when you have an opening.
If you're going to spend all this time recruiting, you really need to take time to select the right people. Some of the things you need to check are:
Invest in their on-boarding. Invest in training them. Invest by going out in the field with them and giving them coaching. Make sure you are investing by growing and developing the people you select, so they become the superstars you hired them to be.
Make sure you set clear expectations for everyone as they join your organization. Show them what a win looks like. How do you win a day? How do you win the week? How do you win the quarter? And don't change the goalposts. Stick to something - pick what you want the win to be, and stick to it!
Ensure you are leading your team to improved sales performance by focusing on and implementing these four things.