Before we continue this discussion, how important is developing a powerful relationship? Well, the number one response given by departing employees during exit interviews is, “My manager doesn’t care about me.” A cardinal sin in today’s war for talent.
There are many ways to develop strong relationships with your people that range from simply spending time with them to understanding their personal goals, and discussing how their work life helps them to fulfill those goals. Here are some ways to build powerful relationships.
If, like most of us, you need some help in remembering to take these actions, here are some ideas:
Make sure each action is directed towards an individual. Relationships develop one by one, and each has its own unique demands and parameters.
No one can remember everything, and if you have six direct reports for whom you have identified three actions you need to take regularly, the numbers will tax your memory, especially with the pace of business these days.
Steven Covey, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, says, “Don’t prioritize your schedule, schedule your priorities.” Reminding yourself of the importance of cultivating powerful relationships with your people and the specific actions to take should be one of those priorities.