The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Why Selling Ideas Just Doesn't Work Anymore

Written by The Center for Sales Strategy | March 29, 2013

It’s been said that “price objections melt in the presence of a bright idea.” And there is some truth to that axiom. But selling ideas is hardly a novel approach these days. In fact, your competitors attempt to do that every day.

Remember, there are ideas, and then there are IDEAS.

Ideas are a dime a dozen because they come off the shelf and tend to be one-size-fits-all in nature. Most prospects yawn at ideas. But IDEAS are bright, not because they are bigger or have more stuff associated with them. IDEAS address a very specific need, unique to that prospect only, and zero right in to solve the problem. IDEAS are received with enthusiasm, not yawns.

The more in-depth and topical your Hourglass Needs Analysis is, the more likely you will be able to come up with IDEAS that are custom-tailored to the prospect’s needs -- ones that will get him sitting forward in his chair and ones that he will be anxious to implement. 

One-size-fits-all ideas are a dime a dozen and don't fit it into an effective sales strategy. But IDEAS developed in response to a client need are indeed bright ideas!

If you’re a sales manager:

Why not build a meeting around ideas vs. IDEAS? The more you can help salespeople tailor their ideas to specific client needs, the better they will be at developing new business.


The first step to great IDEAS is understanding your clients' needs. Download our Five Phases of the Hourglass Needs Analysis.