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Retention is the New Recruitment

Written by Matt Sunshine | August 16, 2023

Few things in business these days are more important than finding, and retaining, the right talent.

Without talent, companies can quickly lose their competitive edge. But while most companies are focusing heavily on the recruitment side of the equation, many are ignoring the equally important job of retention. All the while the job market continues to become more competitive, and employees have increasingly specific preferences and expectations around how they want to work.

One of the easiest and best recruitment strategies might just be retention.

Why is Retention so Important?

For starters, it’s far more cost-effective than constant hiring. Not only does recruiting take time and resources, but new hires often require extensive onboarding, training, and support before they can hit their stride.

By contrast, a satisfied and experienced employee can often perform their role with minimal supervision, helping to drive down costs and increase productivity. 

Retention also helps with recruitment by increasing positive word of mouth — a great source of referrals for new employees.  A high retention rate reflects positively on the company's employer brand and potential candidates will be attracted to an organization that has a reputation for treating its employees well. 

But retaining top talent is easier said than done. Many businesses struggle to keep their employees engaged, motivated, and satisfied over the long term.  

How to Help Retain Your Best Employees 

Build positive relationships

First and foremost, businesses need to understand what their employees want. This may seem obvious, but all too often, companies make assumptions about what their folks need without ever taking the time to ask them.

Encouraging open communication between employees and management can help build trust and increase employee engagement.  Schedule time for regular check-ins, create an open-door policy, and provide employees with opportunities to voice their opinions and concerns. Valuing and supporting your employees increases their engagement and desire to stay with the company. 

Promote work-life blend

Another key factor in retention is a work-life blend.  The pandemic shifted many companies to varying work models, and it’s more important than ever to help workers find a healthy blend between work and their personal lives.

This might mean offering some sort of flexible schedules or time off policies. It could also mean investing in wellness programs or resources that support mental health and self-care. 

Provide opportunities for growth

Employees are more likely to stay longer if you invest in their growth and development.

Consider offering regular training programs, discussing career advancement opportunities, and encouraging employees to take on new challenges. 

Offer creative incentives

Competitive compensation and benefits attract and retain top talent.  But there are other innovative incentives for consideration that help keep workers engaged and satisfied. These could be bonuses or stock options, opportunities for professional development, or non-financial rewards like recognition programs. 

Build and maintain a strong culture

Finally, retention often comes down to culture. Do employees feel like they belong at the company? Do they enjoy their co-workers and the overall work environment? Creating a positive workplace culture that values teamwork, collaboration, and creativity can help foster an environment where employees feel connected to the company and its mission.   

For many employees, a sense of purpose is crucial. They want to feel that their work is making a difference, whether that means contributing to a larger mission, helping customers, or solving complex problems. Organizations can foster this sense of purpose by communicating their mission and values clearly, and by providing opportunities to connect with the impact of their work. 

Finding Balance is Key

Of course, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions to retention. What works for one company may not work for another. The key is to be proactive and intentional about retention, just as you are with recruitment.

By listening to your team, understanding what motivates them, and creating a supportive work environment, you can build a team that is committed, productive, and satisfied over the long term. 

In the end, retention may just be the best new recruitment strategy.  

*This blog was originally featured in the Talent Magazine