The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Weekly Roundup: Creative Email Subject Lines That Restart Stalled Sales Conversations + More

Written by Shaye Smith | June 8, 2018

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

Creative Email Subject Lines That Restart Stalled Sales Conversations   Hubspot

Sales emails: Easy to send, difficult to perfect.
Professionals receive an average of 88 business-related emails a day, according to the Radicati Group's 2015 Email Statistics Report. How can yours stand out?
Answer: Your subject line.

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Steer Clear of Startup Roadblocks — Score

Here’s a bit of not-so-surprising news: Startups fail. In fact, a 2018 Statistic Brain study says after just five years in business, 55 percent unfortunately do. And the reasons for failure vary: Most often, it’s incompetence (46 percent); other times it’s plain lack of experience (11 percent). But what if a new business fails because it hits a roadblock it can’t bounce back from?

In this post, Matt Sunshine, Managing Partner at The Center for Sales Strategy, shares how entrepreneurs can steer clear of startup roadblocks

What Does GDPR Mean For Sales Prospecting? — Forbes

In today's online economy, personal data is one of the most valuable resources a company can acquire. Every website you visit, search you conduct and picture you post to social media is gathered and used by businesses to more effectively market to their target customers. This post shares how GDPR could affect your company and its processes.

How Sellers Can Combine Storytelling and Data to Win — SellingPower

Many businesses collect lots of data. The problem is that these volumes of information rarely add up to anything meaningful or useful. In fact, 75 percent of CFOs and CIOs say they have trouble using the data to make decisions.

Sales professionals have an opportunity (and an obligation) to leverage the value of data when selling to decision makers. What we’ve found is that data is necessary for legitimizing the solution, but a story is also necessary for promoting the solution.

This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: