The Center for Sales Strategy - Sales Strategy Blog

Weekly Roundup: Tips to Get an Unresponsive Prospect Talking Again + More

Written by Shaye Smith | April 13, 2018

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web.

Tips to Get an Unresponsive Prospect Talking Again— Hubspot

Sometimes a salesperson gets lucky with an ultra-responsive prospect. Every time the rep sends an email, a response follows within the hour. When they call, the prospect picks up and makes time to chat. No matter when or how the rep reaches out, the prospect is sure to return a prompt reply. Unfortunately, this is the exception rather than the rule.

Compassion Fatigue: It’s Here, It’s Real, and It’s Hurting Your Sales Game — Selling Power

You’re constantly outsourcing your energy. Every customer and salesperson who needs compassion, you’re always there for them. But filling up their tanks is draining and that can quickly attack your team’s sales numbers.

Infographic: How to Respond to Your Most Valuable Leads —

Lead response times and persistency are more important now than ever. At a time when every other day someone proclaims the death of the cold call, sales professionals need to master the art of lead response– and this is for both inbound and outbound leads. But how do know what’s the best response time, when to follow up and how, in each situation? We’ve done the research and the result is an infographic detailing lead response best practices for your most valuable leads.

Six Learning And Development Trends To Embrace For Maximum ROI — Forbes

This is an exciting time. Technology is creating more dynamic learning opportunities than ever before, employees are looking for work experiences that align with their personal values and organizations are having to look at change as the norm rather than some temporary thing that needs to be managed. During this time of change, we need to embrace new trends in learning and development to ensure that our strategy will create win-wins for the organization and the people in it.

This Week on The Center For Sales Strategy's Blog: