I then posed this question and asked them to respond by a show of hands: How many of you believe that the meetings you have are very important, yet you go to meetings that you believe are a waste of your time? As you might imagine, all hands shot up in the air.
The executive coaching I was delivering to the team is that it's not that the information being disseminated isn't important – but is a meeting the best way to distribute the information?
According to Forbes magazine, "Meetings can be the bane of corporate life. In one survey, a whopping 85 percent of executives said they were dissatisfied with the efficiency and effectiveness of meetings at their companies."
So how do you decide?
That's a start, but as I mentioned to the group I was in front of the other day, it's pretty hard to sit around a table and call everyone else's baby ugly. So this challenge starts with you. If your meeting is a one way transfer of information – think of another way to distribute what you need people to know. No more data dumping.
Unless you have money to burn.