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The Center for Sales Strategy Blog

Embracing AI: Transforming Sales Strategies For The Future

A dynamic visual of AI-driven sales processes enha

The rapid evolution of AI is reshaping the sales landscape, pushing B2B sales teams to innovate and adapt.

Topics: sales tech AI

How to Motivate Your Team and Increase Performance

Developing Talent with Expectations, Feedback, and RecognitionBuilding a highly-talented sales team is one thing, but keeping them motivated and performing at their best is another.  

The most effective leaders understand that each individual they manage is unique. What motivates one team member may not always motivate another. With that in mind, here are five ways you can motivate the individuals on your team and boost performance.

Topics: sales performance sales talent

12 Talent Things to Focus on in 2025

2025 focus on talent calendar with 12 calendar icons and the 12 months

What are your priorities for the year, and how are you going to set yourself up for success?

Here are 12 talent-related items to consider focusing on in the coming year. Bookmark this blog to reference it monthly, or take a few minutes right now to add these items to your calendar.

Topics: sales talent

Coaching Salespeople: Shift the Focus – From 'Here's What to Fix' to 'Here's What You Do Best'

Coaching Salespeople

When was the last time that someone sat you down, focused all their attention on you, and talked to you about the things that you do really well? 

Still thinking?

It’s usually hard to pinpoint the last time that happened because, for most of us, it doesn’t happen very often. 

Unless you are an NFL football player, then the last time would have been Monday morning, and it would have gone something like this (imagine dreamlike music).

Topics: sales talent sales coaching

SPOOKY Things Sales Managers (and Their Team) Should Avoid

spooky things sales teams should avoidIt's easy for sales teams to get busy, get into a rhythm, or get on a roll and just do things the way you've been doing them.

Sales managers wear a lot of hats, and it's easy when things are working just to keep them going the way they are going.

Hey... nothing's wrong, right?


Ensure you and your team avoid these SPOOKY things to ensure everyone effectively utilizes their time and efficiently manages their prospects and accounts. 

Topics: sales strategy sales performance

Creating a Strong Employer Brand to Attract Top Sales Talent

Creating a Strong Employer Brand to Attract Top Sales Talent (1)

Every company has an online brand, whether it’s crafted intentionally or shaped by external perceptions.

If you're unsure of your company’s brand, do a quick Google search and look at the reviews. Websites like Glassdoor and other employment platforms can offer valuable insights into how your company is perceived.

Ask yourself: Does your company appear inviting to potential candidates?

If not, this could explain the lack of qualified applicants when you have job openings. In today’s uncertain job market, companies with a strong, well-defined employer brand are flooded with applications, while those with a mediocre or negative reputation struggle to attract talent.

Topics: branding sales talent

Hire for Talent, Train for Skill Development: Stop Trying to Teach a Fish to Climb Trees

Hire for Talent

Let’s cut straight to it: Talent is something you’re born with.

You can’t create, mold, or magically inject it into someone. You either have it or you don’t. As much as we love a good rags-to-riches story, the truth is, talent can’t be trained into someone—it’s hardwired. And if you’re trying to force a square peg into a round hole by “developing talent” in someone who simply doesn’t have it, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

Topics: hiring salespeople sales talent

Spotting Coaching Abilities in Your Sales Management Candidates

Spotting Coaching Abilities in Your Sales Management Candidates

Think for a moment about a manager in your career who made you a better professional. 

What was it about them that helped you grow and uplevel? 

While they surely had some expertise to share, no doubt it was their ability and commitment to give you their attention and coaching.

Topics: sales talent sales coaching

Boost Sales Performance with AI Coaching

Boost Sales Performance with AI Coaching

Leveraging technology to gain a competitive edge is not just advantageous; it's essential. AI-powered communication coaching is at the forefront of this transformation, offering sales teams a revolutionary way to enhance their performance.

By integrating artificial intelligence into sales training, organizations can provide their teams with personalized, data-driven insights that traditional methods simply can't match.

Topics: sales coaching AI

Recruiting for a High-Performing Sales Team: Roles and Key Competencies

Recruiting for a High-Performing Sales Team

Let’s cut to the chase—there’s no magic formula to building a successful sales team.

Unless, of course, you consider “hiring the right people” a kind of magic. The foundation of any high-performing sales structure starts with one thing: talent.

You can have the latest CRM, a killer product, and the best marketing team behind you, but you're spinning your wheels without the right people in the right roles.

Recruiting the right talent isn’t just important—it’s everything.

Topics: recruitment sales talent sales structure