Your clients and prospects are on a predictable journey to making a purchase. You have a much better chance at success if you understand their buyer’s journey. The model we present to clients expands on the traditional Awareness-Consideration-Decision stages. This helps us look at things from the mind of your client or prospect.
B2B sales professionals must understand the buyer’s journey. It’s an important framework for strategy, but a common question is, how do I know where my prospect is on the buyer’s journey, and how do I get them from step one to closing?
Many times, sales professionals base the buyer’s journey on incomplete information. They’re like a detective continually looking for signs of what stage the buyer is in. Below is a deep dive into the model we provide that expands on the traditional Awareness-Consideration-Decision stages.
When they’re looking at what things need to be in the solution, they’re often ready to talk to a salesperson. You’re positioned best if you have already connected and can demonstrate your empathy and expertise. You might get a formal request for a proposal (RFP), or the signs may be less formal. Playing the numbers game, you may stumble upon someone already at this stage, but that’s not as efficient or effective as targeting high potential accounts and building a relationship that moves them to this stage.
It’s important to know where your buyer is in their journey and what things they’re considering. You need to be a detective, tailor your approach, and take action based on where you determine they are in the buyer’s journey to be most effective.