b'SETTING APPOINTMENTS & SALES PROCESSWRITTEN PROPOSALSSales managers also believe their salespeople are presenting too few written proposals. Almost half (45%) say their salespeople present, on average, 1-2proposalseachweek.Another40%say membersoftheirsalesteamachieve3-4 proposals on a weekly basis.However,76%ofmanagerssaythosenumbers arent high enough. Thatbeingsaid,thereseemstobesome significant room for improvement when it comes76%to the quality of written proposals themselves. 63%ofmanagerssaythatallormostof managers say their proposalscontainspecificbusinessneedssalespeople arent outlinedbytheclient.Notonlyisthata20%presenting enough written decrease since last year, but over 1/3 of managers (36%)todaysayonlysomeorevennoproposals every week.proposalscontainaclientsspecificbusiness needs.Approximately How Many Written Proposals ContainALL 16%Specific Business Needs Outlined by the Client? MOST 48%SOME 32%NONE 4%0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100% of Proposals 10'