b"SALES ENABLEMENTWhile Both Managers and Salespeople Have the Resources to Succeed, Both Want More Effective Marketing StrategiesSALES ENABLEMENT RESOURCESEncouragingly,justasinlastyear'sreport,most81%salespeople (81%) say that they have access to the resources needed to exceed their sales goals.of salespeople say that However, also like last year, too many report havingthey have access to the lackluster sales enablement resources. Nearly halfresources needed to of salespeople (46%) say they either are not sureexceed their sales goals.or are outright dissatisfied when it comes to the quality of their sales collateral pieces.Sales managers are a tad more enthusiastic on that front,though,with54%feelingsatisfiedwith theircurrentquality.ButthatstillleavesoveraVIDEO CASE STUDIESquarter of managers (29%) who disagree.Also,unlikesalespeople,managersarentfeelingNeither group in this years surveys quiteassunnyabouthowmanyresourcestheyreportedhavingenoughcase have at their disposal. Almost a third (31%) feel asstudies to share with prospects, an though they dont have enough resources on handongoingtrendthatweveseenin to outperform their sales targets.everyyearofTheMediaSales Report thus far.85% of salespeople and 66% of sales Nearly half of salespeoplemanagersdonthavemorethan2 (46%) are not sure or arevideo case studies. 46% outright dissatisfied with the current quality of theirThats a lot of missed opportunities sales collateral pieces tosharesuccessstoriesand influentialendorsementswith potential clients. 14"