b'LEARNING & DEVELOPMENTSalespeople Value Learning and Development Opportunities as Much as Ever & Managers are Lacking SuperstarsCURRENT LEARNING &DEVELOPMENT SENTIMENT92% of salespeople believe that learning The overwhelming majority of salespeople& development is important or very (92%)believethatitisimportantorimportantveryimportantthattheyarelearning and developing in their roles. Roughly half of salespeople (48%) reportCOACHING & FEEDBACKparticipating in sales training on a weekly basis.55% of managers feel as though they dont spend enough time every week coaching And61%ofmanagerssaythattheymembersoftheirsalesteams.And conducttrainingfortheirsalespeopleanother65%saythattheyarentjoining every week.theirsalespeoplein-fieldasmuchas theyd like.Salespeople,unfortunately,backthese numbers up. 55% Lessthanhalfofsalespeople(44%)are givenfeedbackabouttheirsalestalents of managers feel as thoughon a regular basis. they dont spend enough time every week coaching members of their sales teams. 11%11% of salespeoplehave never received feedback at all regarding their sales talents!7'