b'OVERVIEWLast year, we saw the various ways in which sales managers and salespeople werent quite seeing eye to eye. From the right ratio of hybrid and in-office work to the very outlook of media sales itself, each group had differing perspectives about their own roles as well as each others. Today, in the 5th edition of The Media Sales Report, youll see that there are more ways that sales managers and salespeople agree than not. For example, while there are those still who might quibble about the details of where and when they work, the consensus is clear: 90% of salespeople and 74% of sales managers want a hybrid work schedule in one form or another.Membersofbothrolesarealsoequallydecisiveinhowunenthusiastictheyareabouttheir companys current marketing strategy. Just 6% of managers and salespeople believe that their companys marketing plan rocks at generating leads and promoting thought leadership.And when it comes to the current state of media sales, youll find significant overlap there as well. Spoiler alert! Various aspects of both roles are becoming harder. Of course, there will always be differences, many reflected in the data from this years media sales surveys.Buttheincreasedlevelofagreementacrossvarioustopicshopefullyspeaksto strengthening relationships between managers and their direct reports.With virtually all salespeople (93%) feeling supported by their managers, wed say the future looks more than bright on that front.'