b'SALES DEPARTMENTSTRUCTURE, PEOPLE, COMPENSATION, AND HYBRID/IN-PERSON WORKAlmost Everyone Is Happy With Hybrid & Achieving Organizational Goals Has Become More DifficultHARDEST ASPECTS OF BEING A SALES MANAGERIt will come as a surprise to no one that recruitment43%remainstoughacrossthemediasaleslandscape. However,thatdoesntmeansalesmanagershaventof managers point to witnessed any improvement in that area. recruitment as the hardest Whilerecruitmentdoes,infact,remainthehardestpart of their job.aspect of a sales managers role, there seems to have been a decrease in those who believe that to be true.Lastyear,nearlytwothirdsofmanagers(65%) pointedtorecruitmentasthehardestpartoftheir jobs.Thisyear,43%saythesame.Thatsa34% decrease.However,whatismoredifficult,accordingto managers, is new business development. Compared to lastyearsfindings,salesmanagersreporta45% increased difficulty in that area. Andachievingorganizationalgoalsisntgettingany easier either! Sales managers say that reaching their companystargetshasbecomeastaggering81% harder to achieve.4'