b'SALES DEPARTMENTSALES TALENT ASSESSMENTS86% of sales managers find Anencouraging70%ofsalesmanagerssales talent assessments86% to be accurate or very are using sales talent assessments in theaccurate in predicting hiring process. future successAnd the vast majority of managers (86%) find such assessments to be accurate or veryaccurateinpredictingfuture success.WORK SCHEDULEWhile, like last year, some sales managers andsalespeopledisagreeonwhatthe righthybridschedulelookslike 70% day-to-day, both groups arent interested in returning to the office full-time. of sales managers are using90%ofsalespeopleand74%ofsales sales talent assessments in the managersarelookingforahybridwork hiring process. schedule in one form or another.Overhalfofsalespeople(52%)wantto work from home most of the time.What Office Schedule Would You Prefer COMPENSATION FORto Have Moving Forward?SALESPEOPLESALESPEOPLEWhenitcomestocompensation,more100% 11% MANAGERSthanathirdofsalespeople(38%)wantOffice 26%100% commission. 37%50/50 54%Another 36% say that they would prefer to have 30% to 50% of their compensation in31%theformofasalaryandtherest80/20commission.17%However,nearlythesamenumberof100% 21%salespeople(38%)respondedthattheyRemote 3%would be willing to take less commission if their company had a solid lead generation strategy in place.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1006'