b"METHODOLOGYThe Center for Sales Strategy, a sales performance company, conducted two online surveys in November of 2023. Two sample groups were surveyed representing sales managers and salespeople in Radio, TV, Digital, Newspaper, and Cable.The first sample included 105 sales managers with job titles such as VP of Sales, Director of Sales, and General Sales Manager. The second group was a sample of 111 salespeople, primarily Account Executives. The majority of all respondents were industry veterans with over 11 years of media sales experience representing a balanced cross-section of market sizes.Numbers have been rounded for readability. ABOUT THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYFounded in 1983, The Center for Sales Strategy (CSS) has grown to serve hundreds of clients annually, across a spectrum of industries including broadcast, print, and digital media, professional services, non-profit associations, and more. CSS is focused on improving sales performance as it helps sales organizations turn talent into performance and develop the highest-performing sales professionals. Its approach to customer-focused selling and talent-focused management has always been, and continues to be, core to its clients' success and the organization's success. CSS is joined by LeadG2, its inbound marketing and sales enablement division, and Up Your Culture, its employee engagement and company culture division, to help organizations achieve total revenue performance.For more media sales resources, subscribe to our blog.THECENTERFORSALESSTRATEGY.COM"