b'INDUSTRY OUTLOOK & CULTUREMost Salespeople Feel Supported by Their Manager, but Too Many Wouldnt Recommend Their Company as a Great Place to WorkCOMPANY SENTIMENT SALES MANAGER ANDSALESPERSON RELATIONSHIPOveraquarterofsalespeople(27%) wouldnt recommend their company as aVirtually all salespeople (93%) tell us they great place for other salespeople to work.feel supported by their sales manager! Thats a worrisome figure.To add to that astounding figure, less than Thankfully, most salespeople (73%) seem1% reported Never feeling supported by todisagreewiththatnotionanditsnotthe manager to which they directly report.hard to see why when taking a look at theAnd almost 2/3 of salespeople (61%) feel relationships with their managers.valued all the time.Sales managers are clearly forging strong bondswiththeirsalespeopleandits 27% amazing to see.of salespeople wouldntAlmost 2/3 of salespeople (61%) recommend their company as feel valued by their manager all a great place for otherthe timesalespeople to work.61%16'