101 Recommended by Beth Sunshine An essential book on leadership that builds on Daniel Goleman’s earlier Emotional Intelligence work. If you want to be a bet- ter leader, Primal Leadership will help you understand emotional intelligence and how it plays the most critical role in leadership. You will also walk away appre- ciating why your current meth- ods may not have garnered the results you had hoped for. This book dives into the scientific aspects that determine how different leadership styles affect people and it provides a clear path for you to achieve powerful results with the people you lead. Recommended by Matt Sunshine Being positive is a choice. Surrounding yourself with positive energy and positive people can help you overcome even the most difficult obsta- cles and a “can do” attitude may just turn your team around. Great book for both per- sonal and business life. Recommended by Mindy Murphy Radical Candor is a great read for anyone in management or thinking about a career in man- agement. It is chock-full of in- sightful advice on how to chal- lenge people directly while at the same time show you care personally. Recommended by Dani Buckley I love this book and have found the con- cepts useful both from a professional and personal per- spective. It narrows down the four dif- ferent tendencies around how we uniquely respond to expectations and are motivated to take action, make decisions, meet deadlines, and create habits. Every per- son is either an Upholder, Obliger, Questioner, or Rebel – and once you know the tendency of others you can use this information to motivate, manage, and coach your team (as well as your- self!) toward success in a way that aligns with their personality and isn’t a one-size-fits-all ap- proach. Recommended by Kurt Sima This book provides some excellent insight about company mission and cul- ture … not your typical business book filled with traditional BS thinking.