51 A Three-Part Process to the Best Talent Feedback STEP ONE The first step is to describe the talent they have. For example: Let’s say the talent assessment for your new hire shows they have a great deal of natural talent for problem solving. You could say something like this: "You’re a very creative, out-of-the-box-thinker, able to see why something will work, and eager to try new and different things. You find many different ways to solve a problem, and you’re an- alytical. You like to think things through, but at the same time, you’re able to size things up really quickly." STEP TWO The second step is to give an example of a time when you have seen them use this talent. You could say something like this: "Last month, you put together a great proposal for Key Account A. You had a creative idea for them and combined multiple elements to deliver excellent results, and they were very happy." Mindy Murphy Senior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales Strategy STEP THREE The third step is to let them know how you are going to help them use and grow this talent. This should be a specific strategy you can commit to. You could say something like this: "I’m going to give you the opportunity to partic- ipate in and lead brainstorming sessions. I will provide you with additional resources you can put to use to meet client needs, and I will look for opportunities for you to create new products to sell or new ways to do things here." You might consider following these three steps for 3-4 different talents for each individual. When you provide your new hire with a clear understanding of their top talents and give them specific strategies to use and grow them, you set them up for success, and you’re able to individu- alize your coaching to fit their needs.