94 L ast year, Harvard Business Review estimat- ed the turnover in salespeople to be around 27%. In an industry that’s seeing almost dou- ble the turnover rate of the overall labor force, it’s essential for managers and leaders to not only know how to recruit great talent who are an ex- cellent fit for your team, but also how to retain sales talent and improve their performance over the years. To maintain your sales team’s selling power and retain all-star talent, it’s vital that you learn to identify and address burnout before it becomes a problem. We’ve asked our team to share a few ways to prevent seller burnout. 1. Hire the "Right" People for the "Right" Job "Burnout often occurs with salespeople be- cause we've hired someone who doesn't fit the actual job description, category, or culture of an organization. Too often, we are so desperate to find a body to fill a desk that we don't take the time to evaluate if this person is the right fit for the actual position that we are needing to fill. If they are the wrong fit, they will exhaust a lot of energy trying to find how to fit the role or organization, instead of focusing on generating new revenue." -Trey Morris, Senior Consultant at The Center for Sales Strategy CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOG 5 Tips to Help Prevent Burnout in Salespeople by The Center for Sales Strategy