27 M anagers often reach out to us looking for creative ways to recruit people to their companies. Unfortunately, most wait until they are in need, when in reality, con- sistent searching and recruiting to keep their tal- ent banks full would not only prepare them for the future, but also save them money and time when the time comes to fill a position on their team. Even great sports teams are constantly on the lookout for superstar talent to keep their bench- es strong and successful. Imagine if they didn’t. How would they win the next season? Strategic and routine searches for the next great player help them stay a step ahead of the game. This is important for your business too, wouldn’t you say? Being prepared allows you, as a sales manager, to have choices in making hiring de- cisions and not hire the first person who walks through your door. Making recruiting part of your weekly routine will help you be prepared and will allow you to build a team of “A” players. Are you ready to think more creatively about finding top sales talent? Thinking outside the box, when building a strong talent bench, is important and it will help set you apart. Using an online as- sessment with a customized link will also make it easier for you! CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOG 6 Creative Recruiting Ideas to Help Keep Your Talent Bank Full by Deborah Fulghum