14 Tami Honesty, VP/GM at Radio One, Dallas, TX Nominated by Cynthia Brown, National Sales Assistant, and Adella Nolden, Senior Integrated Marketing Specialist with Radio One. Cynthia believes, “Radio One didn't even know they needed Tami, until she started working for us! She has been a Godsend since then and the entire staff here works for her! We all want to do good for her because she takes care of all of us. She has the best team-building skills in the industry! I've been in radio for over 25 years and she is unique. There is no one else like her.” Adella told us, “Tami has brought our team together with her exceptional management skills. She does not micro-manage, instead she fosters a collaborative work environment that is highly productive. Tami communicates in a positive manner and strives to ensure all departments are firing on all cylinders.” Tim Skibbe, GSM at Federated Media, South Bend, IN Nominated by Kathy Uebler, General Sales Manager with Federated Media, who revealed, “Tim makes the commitment to recruit every day! Even when he's not working, Tim is recruiting and talking to people about coming to work for Fed Med.” Kathy also shared that Tim’s powers reach far beyond recruiting, and that he has the ability to develop top performers as well. She said, “He's a great coach in the field, in the sales pit, and in our building. Tim knows his reps individually and coaches to their talents, which is why the turnover on his station is slim. He has developed each of his reps to become great integrated marketing sellers because of his leadership and coaching. In just 3 short years of Management, Tim has made an impact within our company, taking our New Talk station WTRC-FM to its highest levels.”