39 The Facts You Need on Selection You worked hard to hire talent - make sure you welcome them the right way! Only 12% of employees agree that their company does a good job of onboarding new employees. If possible, keep it all in the family! Hire from the inside - it's 6x more effective! Make a list of the behaviors you need in a new hire and ask those you trust, "who do you know?" Referrals are 5x more effective than all other sources of hiring. The 'ole bait and switch? 61% of employees say the job they do is very different than the one they were hired to do. A bad business reputation is expensive! 46% of employees hired through referral programs stay for three years or more compared to only 14% of those hired through job boards. Start with the right stuff. Companies are hiring the wrong salespeople 77% of the time. You NEED a strong talent bank. 86% of the most qualified candidates for your open position are already employed and NOT looking for a job. Does your company have an employee referral program? 64% of hiring managers get better quality referrals by awarding a financial incentive. Sources: Objective Management Group, Glassdoor HR Stats, Jobvite 2017 Recruiting Funnel Benchmark Report, Jobvite Index, Jobvite Recruiter Nation Report 2016, Harvard Business Review 2016, Talentnow, State of the American Workplace Report Gallup 2017, talentlms 2018 onboarding survey. Employee referrals lead to employee loyalty. Companies with bad reputations pay 10% more per hire. Shoot for 100%! Only 65% of new hires feel welcomed and valued.