23 Superstars come loaded with talent These sellers are not just performing like superstars in their jobs, they have the natural abilities to achieve greatness. Before they were even hired, their talent assessments indicated the kind of superstar potential that allowed us to predict this level of success. After we collected names of superstars from clients, we then looked at their OSTIs and discovered they were all highly talented. Here are the top talent takeaways of the group that was nominated: • 100% of the salespeople considered superstars by their managers were Recommended on the On- line Sales Talent Interview. • Each salesperson was highly talented and scored 42% or higher on the OSTI. • 100% of superstars had consistent and intense strength in the talent of Achiever which is about being self-motivated, ambitious, and achieving increasing levels of success. This could drive them to achieve more in a short period of time. • Achiever wasn’t the only talent these high performers had in common. They had intense strength across the board. We also noticed patterns of great intensity in the talents of Work Ethic, Positivity, Accelerator and Problem Solver. • 94% of these superstars had three or fewer weaknesses so their managers didn’t have to create a ton of work-arounds. Finding superstars isn’t easy but they are out there, and you can find them by setting clear recruitment goals and committing to practicing the strategies that will help you to attain these goals. Give yourself a goal to add a certain number of people to your talent bank each month and think outside the box when recruiting by fishing in different ponds. Asking for referrals and using LinkedIn are the most popular ways our clients are finding superstars, but there are many other possibilities that aren’t on the list this time. Other popular ways to find superstars include working with your company’s recruiters if you have access to them, using a college connection, and networking. Mindy Murphy Senior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales Strategy