50 10X Growth Versus 10% Growth Why focus on strengths? Because that is where you will see the most growth. Can you grow in an area of weakness? Yes, but research shows us this growth will be very limited, usually about 10%. When you spend the same amount of time prac- ticing in an area of strength, you can grow 10X. That is a massive return on investment of your time. Ideally, you should spend the majority of your time on your strengths. When you do, you feel strong, you are happier, and you grow. How to Give Talent Feedback to the People You Manage When giving talent feedback, it’s a good idea to prepare for this conversation. Here are a few tips on how to give talent feed- back to the people you manage: • Arrange for 15-20 minutes of one-on-one time and eliminate all possible distractions. • Explain your purpose: • To help him/her better understand their own talents and strengths • To find ways he/she can use their talents more often • To individualize your coaching and devel- opments to fit his/her needs and strengths • Make it interactive. Encourage discussion, questions, ideas, etc. • Be positive. You have workarounds for non- strengths, but that’s not what this meeting is about. • Talk specifics. Discuss these talents in terms of the behaviors that you observe on the job. • Don’t commit to a coaching strategy you will not follow through on. The salesperson will re- member. It’s probably best to schedule this conversation several weeks after your new hire starts and once they settle in. This will allow you to observe them in action for a few weeks and give them de- tails on specific behaviors you have noticed they do really well.